Shadow Borne Page 18
The time for honesty had come. She pulled away from his arms. Eros had risked so much for her, had even brought her to the realm of the gods. She was worthy of none of it.
“I must tell you something.”
“What, my love? Anything you speak will not change my heart.”
“Have completed Aphrodite’s tasks.” The goddess appeared in the chamber, smirking at them with curved ruby lips.
Psyche tensed. What would the goddess ask of her now?
“I release you, my darling Psyche, into the care of my precious son. You are a servant of mine no longer.”
“Why?” Eros’s chest rumbled in warning and he hopped to his feet, his wings flapping. “You have clung to her so tightly, why release her?”
“Because there is no other way for me to be a suitable grandmother.” Aphrodite chimed a laugh, smiling so coyly at Eros.
“Grandmo…” Eros spun around. “Psyche, what does she mean?”
The joy in his voice was unbearable. He would be crushed once he learned how she’d hidden the truth from him.
“I am carrying your child, Eros.” She steadied her voice. “I have been for several months now.”
His thick brows drew together. “Why did you not say anything?”
“When I learned of our babe, that was the same time as—”
“The fire.” Anguish cut across his features. “Oh, Psyche. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Forgive you?” She wrung her fingers. “I am the one who has kept our child a secret. I should beg for your mercy.”
“For what?” He pierced her with those shining depths and leapt, half-floating, toward her. “For bringing me the greatest joy and purest love I have ever dreamed of?”
Eros settled to hover behind her, his wings beating a slow, steady drum. On her side, she leaned back and circled her arms above her, grasping the back of his head and slanting his mouth onto hers. Kissing him upside down, her head tilted back, she surrendered to the love within her chest blooming for this male she cherished above all others.
He’s mine.
His arms circled about her breasts, closing her within his strong, secure embrace.
There was no place she belonged more than here.
He was her home. Her shelter. Her love.
The one who both brushed away the sadness of her tears and breathed new life into her body, awakening her to the darkest and deepest fantasies. The affinity between them was unbreakable.
Should any god or mortal attempt to tear them apart.
Well, let them try.
They’d already survived torturous trials together and came out stronger.
As one.
Eros ended their passionate kiss and brushed away the tears escaping down Psyche’s cheeks. How could he suffer anger toward her, the mother of their child? Especially when he sensed his mother had a hand in this concealment. He scowled at Aphrodite, who merely lifted and dropped one slender shoulder.
“You would not have followed your true path to love if you had known. Trust me on this, my son. Besides, only through these trials has Psyche protected your child and earned divinity for herself. Now, none of our enemies shall be able to harm them.”
Divinity? His jaw dropped. “Do you mean, Psyche will become a goddess? How?” He tossed his head, utterly confused. “Zeus offered me terms I refused to agree to.”
She folded her hands in front of her. “I have my methods.”
Bloody devious goddess. He barked a laugh, so glad she was his mother, and not his enemy.
“Those quests, they were to appease Zeus, weren’t they?” Psyche murmured.
“Yes.” Aphrodite inclined her head. “The grain was for a supplicant who wouldn’t cease his wailing prayers. The gold tuft, a gift to placate Hera, and the waters, well, are a secret ingredient for his mead.”
“They weren’t only to appease Zeus.” Psyche peered at Aphrodite. “The quests were to teach us how to love each other.” She beamed at him, melting his heart. “Truly and wholly, for everything that we are.”
“What of the cream from Persephone?” It wasn’t like his mother not to express vexation at being thwarted.
“Ah, that was a favor.” Her blue eyes flashed in mischief. “Persephone owed me.”
Retrieving the cream from the Underworld had solidified Psyche’s and his affections for each other. That had been the tipping point for both of them. Meddlesome mother. “Bloody hell, there was no cream.” He prodded his scarred cheek.
Aphrodite wrinkled her nose. “I can still help you with that, my dear.”
“Nay, no thank you.” He rather enjoyed the imperfection. Now he grasped why Ares affected scars. Dangerous, indeed.
“What else have you hidden from us?” Aphrodite’s schemes likely hadn’t ended there.
“Well…” She twirled one golden ringlet of her locks in her fingers. “Do you recall my bonding?”
His heart dropped into his gut. “Nay—”
“Oh, but yes, my son.”
“Eros?” Psyche cast him a quizzical frown.
His mouth grew dry and he was unable to answer either female. “I have suffered none of the torments of your bonding. I bear no mark. I—”
“Because I declared it so.” She chimed a delighted laugh. “It is my bonding, Eros. Do you not imagine I am capable of altering the rules?”
“But, why?” As the reality of what she spoke sank into his bones, he puzzled at the motive behind her actions.
“Why not?” A mischievous curving of her lips. “Had I bestowed upon you the customary symptoms of a bonding, you would have viewed your destined mate differently. You might never have learned how to love her.”
Learned how to love her. Those words resounded in his mind. Aye. Since the moment he’d met Psyche, he’d been the object of many a lesson.
True love, the greatest.
“What now?” He regarded Aphrodite. Was she about to conjure another torment for him?
“What happens now, is your choice.”
His heart sang with the rightness of his decision. “I wish to be bonded to her, the natural way.” His chest puffed at the allure of a bonding mark—a symbol to declare to the world that he and Psyche were an unbreakable pair.
Also, that no one else could please her better than he.
“Mark me, Mother.” He gazed at the woman he loved. “I want to be forever united with her.”
“Yes, about that…” Aphrodite hedged, glancing aside.
“What?” His clenched his jaw, his patience depleting.
“She’s mortal, and you are not. Until you are both of the same, this marriage and this bonding shall be as though they have never existed.”
Psyche jerked in his arms. “We are not wed?”
“I’m afraid not. A god cannot wed a mortal.”
Eros relaxed his jaw, the solution clear in his mind. “Then Psyche, we shall have to make you immortal.”
Eros and Aphrodite left Psyche to rest as they discussed their plans. A wedding on Mount Olympus, and a mortal turned into a goddess.
She had doubts either would be permitted.
They seemed determined, and if they shared any one trait, it would be that. Stubborn headedness.
What if the gods disagreed and she did not become a goddess in time to give birth? What would happen to their child? She caressed her belly. Yes, she would be strong, because their love was strong.
Her eyes were about to drift closed when the door opened once more. “It’s settled. Come, Psyche. Everyone has gathered to await your wedding.”
Aphrodite extended her graceful hand and tentatively, Psyche accepted. After this, she would walk among them as an equal. A goddess.
The goddess of what?
Apart from being Eros’s wife, what purpose did she serve?
Aphrodite led her through a series of bathing chambers, each one meant to cleanse one aspect of her mortal body. Smoothing her skin. Erasing her scar
s. Polishing her nails. Curling her locks. Painting her eyes.
Finally, dressing in a gleaming gold and white chiton.
As she laced sandals up her calves, Psyche seized in a deep inhalation. Soon, this would be over and she would be united with Eros. Forever.
Aphrodite guided her toward a meadow sprinkled with wildflowers. Shimmering rainbows crossed the sky above. The air hummed with hundreds of divine entities and spectacular beings. Psyche searched their midst, her scrutiny landing in the center where the most beauteous creature of them all stood, awaiting her.
My beast.
Eros nodded toward her, an earnest sincerity in his shining blue depths.
Psyche stepped toward him, and suddenly, a light cloud condensed around her feet, gliding her forward. As she floated toward him, she peered at the imposing god behind him. His fearsome features beamed at them with righteous benevolence. Zeus.
She swallowed thickly, tremors spreading through her muscles, but Eros seized her hand and held her steady.
“Drink this.” He handed her a gilded chalice, the substance within shimmering and swirling like liquid gold.
She sniffed and the most succulent scent caressed her nostrils. “What is it?”
“Ambrosia.” He winked at her. “To make you a goddess.”
“Goddess of what?”
Eros raised his brows toward Zeus.
The formidable god bent toward her, resting a hand on her head as though she were but a child. “An essence most precious indeed,” the god’s booming voice rang through her bones. “Psyche, henceforth, you shall be the goddess of the soul.”
Silence stretched. The soul? She bowed her head, weighted by the responsibility. “I will cherish this honor.” She gripped the chalice and, drawing it to her lips, drank deeply of the sweet, refreshing liquid. It spread through her with a searing burn and she sank to her knees, gasping. Two points spiked across her shoulders and she gritted her teeth, fisting her hands as the liquid continued to pulse to her toes and fingers, down even to the tips of her hair. She steeled herself while the blaze dissipated, leaving her body light as a feather.
Psyche lifted her face to Eros, whose ethereal devotion consumed her.
He offered his hand and she seized it, floating to her feet. Amazing. A thrumming sounded behind her and she spun toward the noise, but it remained behind her.
Chuckling, he angled her chin so she caught a glimpse of iridescent wings at her back. “Are those…mine?”
He nodded in encouragement while she gaped. Her wings shimmered with the hues of the rainbow and were as thin as gossamer, like a butterfly’s.
“You are lovely, Arete.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her forehead. “As lovely as the breath of the soul.”
She fluttered her lashes, tears springing from her eyes at this great gift. A quiver coursed through her hands, which glowed with a pearlescent ethereal light—a goddess’s illumination.
Eros snared both of her hands and squeezed in reassurance. “Now, Psyche, I shall make you my wife, my lover, my bonded female. For all eternity.”
She peered into his eyes, bursting with such devotion, and rapturous bliss consumed her.
“By the benevolence of the Fates and the blessing of Zeus,” Eros declared his vows in a thunderous voice, “I claim you as mine. Two hearts, two bodies, two souls no longer. In this moment everlasting, we shall be as one, for a love eternal.”
Eros spoke his vows, swearing oaths to Psyche that would have terrified him a century ago. Gazing into her deep and shimmering verdant depths, he’d never experienced anything so right as bonding himself to her. She was his perfect counterpart. He had no doubt she would keep him on an adventurous and passionate path for the entirety of their existences.
Psyche smiled at him through pooling tears. “By the benevolence of the Fates and the blessing of Zeus, I claim you as mine. Two hearts, two bodies, two souls no longer.” One shining tear spilled down her cheek and he swept it away with his thumb. “In this moment everlasting, we shall be as one, for a love eternal.”
He didn’t wait a heartbeat before seizing her in his arms and claiming her with a deep, sensual kiss.
Cheers clamored from all around them as those present whistled, stomped, and clapped.
But he, he was captured by her. His most precious Psyche.
Only one thing left to do. Eros twisted around to arch a questioning brow at his mother and whisper, “the bonding?”
She pressed a finger to her lips.
Not yet. He narrowed his eyes, but the beings surrounding them swarmed him and Psyche, offering their well-wishes before retreating to the symposium for an excessively extravagant feast.
As the crowds dispersed, Eros regarded his bride.
She gasped in marvel at her hands, her wings. “This seems as a dream.”
“It’s not, my fair Psyche.” He cupped her cheek. “Or if it is, I wish to never awaken.” He scanned the festivities below. “What say you, shall we join them?”
She surveyed the feasting gods and goddesses. “Well, I am curious about—”
Eros gathered her into his arms and beat his wings, gliding toward the symposium.
“I have wings, too. You needn’t carry me.” She laughed and wiggled in his arms.
Reluctantly, he released her and soared into the air. Her rainbow wings fluttered rapidly, drumming an airy beat. Impressive, but then, everything about her was. From the very first moment they’d met, when she’d tethered herself as sacrifice, saving that maiden’s life. Or so she’d believed.
And now, it was his life, his soul, she’d redeemed.
“Why do you think Zeus bestowed me with the gift of the soul?”
That surprised him not in the least. “Well, Arete, it is clear to me, as it was to him, that you already embody every transcendent quality of the soul. Purity, innocence, curiosity, joy, and hope. You are all those things.”
“I’m honored and will strive to fulfill my duties with the greatest of care.”
“I’m certain you will.” He snared her hand and pressed a kiss to the top of it. “I also know you shall be by my side, ensuring I fulfill mine.”
A flush of pink crossed her cheeks and suddenly, he hoped this wedding feast wouldn’t be as lengthy as most.
Eros hauled Psyche into his arms to land in the symposium. A cry erupted from the crowds at their arrival. Gods and goddesses, divine beings, and honored descendants, they all gathered and had already begun the merrymaking.
Especially the centaurs. They never missed a chance to partake of Zeus’s private collection of meads.
Grinning, he bobbed his head toward several of them and strolled with Psyche to claim his place beside his mother. He reclined upon a chaise longue, towing Psyche into his lap. She curled against him, her soft bottom cushioning his cock, which stirred at the contact.
This had definitely better be a brief event.
The Horae, divine creatures of the seasons, spread their lovely flowers about, while the goddesses of the arts, the Muses, sang and danced. It was much alike any other celebration on Olympus, save for the absence of certain beings. Apollo, for one. The sun god rarely stepped foot inside this place anymore.
Eros scratched his jaw and sighed. Although he loathed violence and war, soon enough they would have to choose sides.
And stand together.
Aphrodite raised a cup to them. “May Love always be yours.”
As he clinked his chalice to hers, she leaned in and whispered, “When you and Psyche have finished fortifying your union, I have a task for you both.”
“A task?” He quirked one brow.
“Yes,” she murmured, “several rather obstinate couples who would benefit from your unique talents. They are destined to be together but Apollo would seek to divide them.”
Chuckling, he held up a hand. “Speak no more, Mother. We will offer our aid.” They would require every resource if they had any hope of success aga
inst the sun god.
Eros feathered his lips across the silken skin of Psyche’s neck, breathing her in deeply, the fragrance of her essence settling as a comfort into his bones.
Now that he’d sampled it, he’d come to the sound and deafening conclusion. Lust no longer imprisoned him. He had a new master to worship and adore.
There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Love.
Psyche drew back on the string of her husband’s bow, aimed, and loosed the two gilded arrows. They split apart, each striking their targets.
“Nice shot,” Eros purred into her ear.
She smirked triumphantly as the male she’d struck jolted and spun about. Alder’s jaw fell the moment he beheld the female before him. Iora. She jumped at the prick as well, gaping in reciprocal yearning at Alder.
Joy spread through Psyche’s veins at finally being able to repay his kindness.
Now, they had both found their homes and were lost no more.
Psyche lowered her bow and slanted her mouth to Eros’s, relishing his fervent kiss.
“Careful, or Zeus might bestow you my godhood instead.” He chuckled, wrapping his arms about her and swinging her into the air.
They spun in circles until, panting, he halted, bending his forehead to hers. “I never dreamed to experience such joy as having you in my life brings me.”
“A beast no longer.” She traced his jaw with her fingertip, laughing.
He nipped at her finger. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” Eros gripped her hips and hoisted her onto his waist, her legs wrapping around him. She draped her arms about his neck, her lips curving coyly. “You may find my wild and savage passion for you to be quite beastly.”
“Well, I simply must strive harder to tame you, then.”
“I think that,” he rubbed her across his already rigid shaft, “is a fantastic idea.” Tossing his head backward, he groaned. “Although I can’t make any promises you shall be able to temper me.”
“Mmm,” she moaned as he kissed her neck, “but all the amusement is in trying.”
Eros flashed them to their home on Mount Olympus, straight into a luxurious bedchamber. He would have preferred to ravish her straight after the wedding feast, but she’d had other plans. Mostly of loosing his arrows at would-be lovers and observing them fulfill their deepest desires.