Rematch Read online

Page 4

  “No.” Damn, what was wrong with her, that she couldn’t say anything else? A Lotus should be able to talk her way out of anything.

  “I was snooping.” Brilliant, Wen. She forced back an eye roll.

  “Snooping?” The corner of his mouth lifted.

  Roll with it. She raised and dropped a shoulder. “Yep. Here I am, stuck in this crazy mansion with an immortal for a boss, so I figured, why not learn as much about this place as I can?”

  “I caught you spying, and now snooping.” He chuckled once, but cut off. “Are you planning your escape?” A deep crease formed in his forehead. Huh, and here she’d assumed he would be happy to get rid of her.

  “Oh, no.” She sighed. “I can’t escape. Well, I could, but if I did, the Matchmaker would never let me back into the League. Actually, she’d probably have me executed.” She wrinkled her nose. “No one wants to live looking over their shoulder.”

  A tsk clicked from his tongue. “You don’t lack tenacity, that’s for certain, but even you couldn’t leave this place without my permission.”

  She flashed him another smile. “Try me.”

  “Perhaps another time. Now, tell me, why is it so important for you to join the League?” He bent his head to hers and inhaled, sending shivers exploding along the back of her neck. She bit back a moan. “How did you fail, Wen?”

  “It’s not my favorite topic of conversation, but fine. If I share, so will you. Deal?”

  He shifted back and pinned his hard stare on her. She held her breath; he probably wouldn’t concede.


  Whoa. Okay. “I dropped it.” She spewed out the words. No sense in dwelling on them. “The Matchmaker ordered us to steal some stuff from a dragon’s lair and—”

  “Wait. A dragon? Do you have any notion how foolish it is to steal from a dragon?”

  She stiffened at his reprimanding tone. “It was her idea, not mine.”

  “Go on, then.”

  “As my partner hoisted me out of the cave, I saw this cool scepter and decided to snatch it as an extra bonus. The scepter burned my hands and I dropped everything. The dragon woke up and bang, we had to haul ass outta there.” She bit her lip.

  “This scepter, what did it look like?”

  “I don’t know. Sparkly and gold.” She scowled. “What does it matter?”

  “The scepter only warmed as you withdrew it from the cavern?”


  “Well, there’s your answer.”

  Her hand dropped to her hip. He elaborated, “You could not have removed the object from the dragon’s lair. These talismans, like the ones in my collection—the powerful objects spread across the Earth—they’re not…neutral.”

  “They’re not?”

  “No. Great power never is. It absorbs the energy of its creator, of its previous owners.”

  She swiped her tongue along the seam of her lips. “You’re saying they’re good or evil?”

  “Indeed.” He sidestepped to the fireplace and plunked down in one of the armchairs. His outswept hand waved for her to claim the other, but Wen hadn’t finished her interrogation of him yet.

  She strolled to him, skated her hands up along his thighs, and crawled onto his lap to straddle him.

  Wen’s slight weight settled upon him and Li’s cock jolted to life. His entire body followed. His pulse quickened, his breaths came in rapid fire. Never in three decades had this body felt more alive. What was Wen to him that she caused such an effect on him? He’d never experienced a connection so strong with anyone—ever.

  A low murmur almost like a purr vibrated in her throat. He laced his hand through her long locks and gripped the back of her head. If she climbed any farther onto his lap, she’d not miss the reaction of his body. “Do you always take such familiarities with your employers?”

  “Only the ones I like.”

  “You’re toying with me, mortal.”

  She bent forward and her soft lips brushed against his ear. “Not yet.” Her hips wiggled against his thighs and those delicate hands smoothed across his chest. “Tell me more.”

  Her perky breasts planted in front of his field of vision. His palms itched to grasp and squeeze them, to tear her blouse open and expose her creamy flesh.

  “You said I couldn’t remove the scepter from the dragon’s lair. Why not?” Her thighs spread wider on either side of his, and she sank back, her plush ass on his knees.

  “It was an object of evil. You are not.”

  She straightened her shoulders, which caused those breasts to push out, practically begging for his touch. “That’s pretty black and white.”

  “Not really.” He forced his attention off her breasts and regarded her. “The world exists in balance. Good and evil. Light and dark. Yin and yang. There’s not as much gray as humans would like to believe. You should have chosen something else to steal.”

  “Hmm. I guess so.”

  But then she would not have landed in his household. She would not be straddling his lap, tempting him in ways he had never been.

  “What about your collection?”

  “They’re not instruments of evil, if that’s what you are asking.”

  “Oh.” Her shoulders lowered as though she eased, but her brows drew together. “You said that box—”

  “Is dangerous. Good or evil, danger is danger.” The box contained the spirit animal Cat, another being the Council had sent him to watch over. Cat’s wild nature and outburst of temper had earned its banishment from Heaven, and its imprisonment inside the box.

  “What do you want? Hmm?” Her hands wrapped around his neck.

  “I should think that’s fairly obvious.” He swept his gaze down to his hard erection straining between them.

  “Not what I meant, and you know it.” Her lips curved, flirting. This little female had not ceased to play with him since her arrival. He couldn’t decide whether to be amused or to teach her a lesson, but he’d promised her full disclosure.

  “My gourd.”

  At her arched brow, he elaborated, “Centuries ago, my mentor gifted me a magical gourd. It enabled me to heal the sick.”

  “What happened to your gourd? Someone steal it?”

  “No, it’s still in my possession.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  He leaned back and sighed. “It’s empty.” Exactly like his chest, his heart, his purpose.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Part of him yearned to explain his past to her, yet he couldn’t. He shouldn’t have shared anything with her.

  Suddenly, the bewitching female on his lap proved too much. The ever-present self-disgust over his vanity fired through his veins. The concurrent tremor spasmed through his muscles like a jolt from an electric socket. He was about to toss her off, but the back of her hand caressed the side of his face, a gesture so loving and tender, it distracted him from his self-loathing. Calmed the convulsions. He inhaled a deep breath as her touch soothed the seizing of his muscles…and the torment of his soul. For just one damn minute, he craved to ignore the past, to live in the present. Perhaps, the future.

  She inched forward on her knees until lust shot back through his shaft, hardening him again. Her sweet breath fanned across his skin and she moistened her lips, heating his need to feel them wrapped around his cock.

  “You can trust me, Li. Tell me what happened.” Wen pressed her lips to his once, then trailed them along his jaw and down his chin, fiery little kisses that ignited his blood. His heart rammed against his ribcage, the pounding creating a deafening thudding in his ears. He hissed as her warm hands spanned his chest and descended to rest on his thighs. Sweat beaded his forehead while he debated which course to take. The smooth path he’d always followed…or the tempting, undulating ride the seductive gleam of Wen’s eyes promised?

  Fuck. The shame washed through his veins, erasing any sense of peace. He had nothing to offer this resplendent female. Nothing like the ecstasy he experienced in her kiss

  He was not worthy. Not of her. Not of anyone.

  He glanced down at his swollen shaft and grimaced. How could he desire her, when he couldn’t even bear to look at himself? He rose, plucking her off, and set her on her feet. “Out.”

  “What?” She laughed, but stopped as she regarded him.

  He let the anger and revulsion seep through his features. “Forgive me, but I can’t do this with you.”

  After one cautious peek at him, she followed the direction of his hand and left his chamber.

  Li raked his fingers through his hair. That was cruel. The hurt in her eyes was a punishment she didn’t deserve. She’d done nothing wrong, and he’d been a bastard to accept her kisses.

  Worse, for his thankless discharge of her.

  Yet, it would keep her from him, from the heartbreak he was sure would befall her if she remained in his presence. He hadn’t disclosed the entire truth to her. How could he? No one knew the truth, except the Monkey King. One moment of weakness had replaced Li’s purpose with shame.

  Unending shame.

  He dragged his hand through his hair and across the back of his neck. The chain he wore was rough against his fingertips as he slipped it through his fingers to lift the key. The gold metal glinted at him, reflecting the flares from the fireplace. Perhaps he was wrong. If the world truly was only black and white, where did he fall? He’d once been good, but…

  Li clasped the key and made for his collection. Dusk had fallen and the beast must be freed. After lowering the glass case, he hovered above the jade box. “Alright, it’s time. Be good tonight.” He carried the box to the garden and unlocked it, holding the lid open toward the jungle. The energy inside whooshed out of the box, making him brace his feet to keep his balance. Cat was feisty tonight. This morning, too, when Wen had approached the jade box that held the spirit animal. Perhaps her presence had unsettled the beast’s routine.

  Gods knew it had unsettled his.

  One task done, he carried the box back to his chamber and set it beside his bed.

  Good. He snorted, his mind rolling over his conversation with Wen. No, he was no longer good. He was the very thing he’d proclaimed didn’t exist.

  He was gray.

  The more reason to keep his distance from her, but hell, he was done with reasoning. The urge to apologize to Wen proved stronger. Following his instincts, his footsteps led him to her door. As he twisted the knob, it yielded. The heavy wood pushed open with ease. A trill of water greeted his ears, along with some off-key humming. A smile tugged at his lips. She was fresh like a vibrant flower. What if the world didn’t have to be black or white or gray…

  But full of color?

  When she peered at him, he didn’t perceive the judgment he saw in his reflection. Instead, he viewed life, as he had when he’d been a much younger man and the world had spread at his feet. One touch from her had assuaged the tremors which had plagued him for decades.

  He crept into the room, peering around the corner into the bathroom. If she truly considered herself a decent spy, she’d detect his presence. If she chose to kick him out, he’d respect her wishes. On the odd chance she’d welcome his apology, well, he took one step further.

  Mist fogged up the room, limiting his vision, but there she stood, beneath the spray of the shower, her back to him. Curling droplets of water meandered down her bare flesh, her wet hair plastered to her back, nearly reaching the curve of her ass. Plump and firm. He swallowed a groan as she swayed in time to her off-tone tune.

  Her toes tapped on the tile floors, and he dragged his gaze up once more, along her toned legs, past the gap between her thighs where he’d love to run his tongue, and to her slender neck. She gathered up her hair in one hand, exposing that slender column, and something else.

  He squinted and pressed forward. Four evenly-spaced slashes cut from her neck across her shoulder blade. Pink flesh raised around the white scars, suggesting they were several years old.

  And deep.

  Damn, but they’d been deep.

  “What happened?” He uttered the words without thinking.

  Wen spun around, snatching up a blade and drawing it to his throat.


  “What the hell! You scared me.” Wen scowled at Li, standing in her bathroom like he owned the place. Okay, so he did, but still. She narrowed her eyes, glaring harder, but he stood there, his intense dark stare glued to her breasts.


  If she were shy, she’d make a vow to shower in her bathing suit from now on. Being trained as a Lotus, she no longer possessed any modesty. She let him get in a good eyeful before crossing her arms over her bare breasts.

  That didn’t break the spell though, because his gaze just dipped to her sex. She huffed, set down her blade, and snatched a towel, wrapping it around herself. “Are you going to tell me why you barged into my room?” Why hadn’t she detected him, again? Damn soft-footed immortal.

  The dark haze of his lust evaporated and a playful quirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’m snooping. Since I’m stuck with a sassy minx for a servant, I thought I’d learn as much about her as I can.”

  Why? He’d kicked her out. She frowned at him, then huffed and sank onto the chair at the vanity. The look on his face… She shuddered. The man had demons. A definite red flag to stay away, but the gloom surrounding him seemed self-inflicted, and curiosity to discover why burned through her.

  She’d never jumped into intimacy with anyone so quickly, yet with Li, she’d begun to believe they shared something. A deep connection. One her brain and her heart agreed on. Her attraction to Li grew stronger every second she spent with him. Around Li, she felt like she was honoring Matthew’s last wishes. Enjoying life and cherishing every moment she’d been given.

  Although Li wouldn’t tell her what had hurt him, they’d both experienced loss. He’d adapted the opposite of her, however. His whole “outcast” speech was proof he closed off to everyone. But when she touched him, he let her in. A trust built between them. If it grew deep enough, he might share his story with her. They might heal each other.

  “Forgive me.” His low murmur caressed over her skin. Oh, he’d come to say sorry? Her heart gave a little flutter, but she stomped it down. They were still getting to know each other, circling and testing. If he kept shutting her out and never offered real grit, their relationship would flop before it ever had the chance to take off.

  “You should work on your manners.” She plucked the comb and pointed it at him. “Your words sound formal, but you’re, well, rude.”

  He sighed and his assured confidence deflated from his shoulders. “You’re right, but I came here to apologize.”

  Pressing her lips together, she debated his sincerity. Whatever Li struggled with, it wasn’t about her. He wouldn’t be here otherwise. It took strength for a person to admit when they’d made a mistake. Even for powerful immortals.

  Wen ran the comb through her wet locks as she debated. Her heart settled on the decision. “Go ahead and snoop. I have nothing to hide.”

  “What about these? You hid these from me.” Rough fingertips trailed down her neck and across her shoulder blade, four fingers matching the four marks. The possessiveness in his words made her shiver.

  She closed her fingers overtop his. “When I was a kid, my grandmother took me to a zoo in China. I climbed the fence of the panther enclosure and accidentally fell in. I don’t remember much. The doctors said I was lucky to survive.” She released his hand and continued combing. “Afterward, my grandma brought me to some crazy Chinese healer. He said it was weird I only had claw marks, not bite marks.”

  “Do they hurt?”

  “No. That’s the funny thing. I never felt any pain. I must have blocked it out because I was young.”

  He smoothed his palms across her shoulder, then pressed his lips to her scars. The heat from him seared her skin. A rumble sounded from his chest. She leaned back and moaned, but instead of his hard chest, his hands caugh
t her.

  “Don’t move.”

  The rumble vibrated again.

  Crap. It hadn’t come from him.

  Slowly, he righted her, and she inched around. The curtains framing her bed billowed, but a breeze didn’t fill her room.

  “You are not permitted here.” Li stepped in front of her, blocking her view.

  What the hell was in her room? Her heart pounded. She shot to her feet to try to peer around Li’s large form. Blinding noise crashed over her like lightning. She threw her hands over her ears, the roar blasting from around her, resonating through her toes. A snarl, deep with shrill notes in its menacing tone pulsed through her. She sank to her knees, wincing.

  Li shouted something, his outstretched hand lit up with an iridescent white glow, but the air around them whooshed, knocking Li backward, and flattening her onto her back.

  Then the rumbling settled on top of her.

  She froze as an inky blackness surrounded her vision. The vibration echoed through her, rattling her teeth, but she didn’t dare move a muscle. Warmth heated her right cheek, like a puff of breath.

  What was this creature? What did it plan to do with her?

  Her curiosity piqued. The rumbling? Not a growl. The menace was gone, replaced by a deep, rhythmic pulsing. A purr?

  Inching back on her elbows, she crawled out from under the beast. Slowly, she tilted back her head. Glowing amber eyes greeted her, surrounded by a pitch black haze. The eyes were cat-like. Long, porcelain fangs protruded from the creature’s mouth, but didn’t target her. She scooted back a few feet more and studied the creature. It appeared to be a gigantic, black…panther?

  “Well, hello kitty.”

  “Wen. Do not move.” Li’s bellowing command cut through the animal’s rumble, and its pitch switched to that irritated note as it crouched backward.

  “I said, begone.” Li strode between her and the beast. “You are not permitted here.”

  From the corner of her eye, she glimpsed his arm flare white again.

  “Wait. No.” She sprang to her feet between them. “I don’t think it’ll harm me.”